A time when Endless Online. Was still in development and didn't have much of a RPG system, when the. Community was more focused on the social interactions and aspects of the game. The server is created to provide long time fans a nostalgic ride, bringing. Back memories and experiences they've once had in the Endless world. Today the official Endless Online main server was hacked, and the details of over 50,000 accounts created between March 2011 and August 2015 (today) stolen. All information was leaked including account names, plain-text passwords, full names, locations, e-mail addresses, ip addresses and associated character and guild information.
Quests will be in alphabetical order - if anything in the information is wrong or missing please comment at the bottom of the page.Directions are generally given by north, east, south and west, which respectively correspond to the up, right, down and left arrow keys. Also for certain directions D, L, R and U are used, standing for down, left, right and up respectively.
Aeven Sewers
Can be done at level 5.
- Talk to the Drunk in the Aeven pub to get this quest. The Aeven Pub is the building on the Southwest corner of the Aeven centre.
- He sends you to turn off control units in the Aeven Sewers, head there through one of the entrances in a corner of Aeven. Once inside, head to the center.
- Once there, you will see three red flashing lights, one for each control unit, stand in front of each until the quest has updated 3 times.
- Return to the Drunk. He will reward you with 6100xp and a bottle of fairy soda.
- You pick this quest up from the Wraith Guardian on one of the higher floors of the Haunted House, he is on a floor of his own and once spoken to, will set you to work!
- Kill the Reaper.
- Return to the Wraith Guardian.
- Kill the Anundo Ninja Leader.
- Return to the Wraith Guardian.
- Kill the Octopis.
- Return to the Wraith Guardian.
- Kill Apozen.
- Return to the Wraith Guardian.
- Get 100 piggies.
Ayla's Witch Quest (repeatable)
Requires level 7, unless you obtain the terror potion by other means, it can then be done at level 5.
- You pick this quest up in the witches house/shop within Aeven, from a girl there who is called Ayla.
- She asks you to kill 20 rats which you can find both in this building and around many other areas of Endless Online, include Aeven Docks and the Haunted House.
- Return to Ayla once you have done this.
- She now sends you off to kill 20 sheep.
- After doing this, return to Ayla once again.
- Finally she asks you to get her a terror potion, you can buy this for 40 gold in Estaq Stronghold (village of the barbarians), the merchant Hitaru is in the second room of the Illusion Shop.
- Return to Ayla and you will complete the quest.

- Speak to Jacob around Aeven center to start this quest.
- Kill 10 crows from around the area.
- Return to Jacob to receive 300xp and 50 gold.
- To start this quest, speak to the Aeven Captain in the northwest corner of the zone which is north of the zone which has the starter ship in it. You must answer with 'it's a shame' and then 'i'll help'.
- He will ask you to find his boots, these are a drop from surrounding sheep.
- Once you have them, return to the Captain and you will receive a reward of 2000xp and 4 small health potions.
Cactus Holiday (repeatable)
Can be done at level 6.
Can be done at level 6.
- Talk to the Limbo Sailor who is in the Desert, at the entrance.
- Kill 10 Cactusaurs from all around the current zone.
- Return to the Sailor for your reward of 500xp and 75 gold.
Claw Necklages (daily repeatable)
Can be done at level 5.
Can be done at level 5.
- Speak to Dan who wanders Aeven center.
- Collect 12 crow claws from surrounding crows.
- Return to Dan for 920xp and 120 gold.
- This quest is picked up from the co-worker in the first room at the Factory which is found after going through the desert which itself is accessed from Aeven docks.
- He will ask you to go into the main factory building and turn of the generators 1 by 1. The 4 generators are found around each corner of the factory, keep trying until you get the right ones in the right order.
- Return to the co-worker.
- Now you must go and turn off the final generator which is in the main reactor room (down the steps in the cage at the top left of the map).
- Return to the co-worker once you are done to complete the quest.
Can be done at level 7.
- Talk to the guard in the swamp along the rail tracks to pick up this quest.
- He tells you that you must now kill 20 spiders, which can be found in the surrounding swamp.
- Once done, return to the guard.
- He does not believe you did as he asked and now requests 10 spider legs, so continue killing spiders until you have these (or get the legs by other means).
- Then, return to the guard once again.
- He will now send you to the castle where you will speak to the Elite Captain and receive your reward. The Captain can be found in the main arena room of the castle.
Karma Quest (not a true quest)
Can be picked up at level 5.
Can be picked up at level 5.
- Talk to the Wise Man who wonders around Aeven, click on the Karma option and you should receive this quest.
- You then either give or take Karma to remove the quest from your journal, however I do not believe there is a true reward for this quest and it does not appear in the quest history page.
- Talk to the Young Pirate who wanders around the most southern boat on the docks. To receive the quest you must answer as follows - 'I don't believe you' and then 'I will prove it'.
- Next, go and talk to the Pirate Captain who is on a ship to the north of the map. Make sure you choose the right options and make sure that the quest updates before you move on.
- Now, defeat 3 pirate crew members (not all pirates seem to update this quest).
- Once done, return to the Pirate Captain. He will give you a few options when talking to him, one requires you to kill the guard just off the boat. The other sends you to find some treasure. If you get one of these options and want the other you can can talk to the Captain again to change to the other.
- Once you have completed your task, return to the Pirate Captain.
- He requests that you go and kill 30 rats to prove that you are a real pirate.
- Complete this and then head to the Young Pirate and talk to him, he can be found on the southern ship, which is on its own on the edge of the map.
- He will ask you a few questions and the correct answers are - 'Jolly Roger', 'a double share' and 'Yes, always open'.
- To continue to the next stage click 'yes, lets go' and you will head off to Monkey Island.
- Once there, head northeast to a building where you will find a pirate, he asks you to get him 10 baby turtle meat. The turtles you need to kill for these are just outside the building along the shore (mostly in the very northeastern corner of the map).
- Once done, return to the pirate.
- With the instructions he has given you, head to the left side of the map and look behind two palm trees. It is on an area near to the northwest and is over a beach/pavement area. Finding the correct location will take you to a new small map where there is a treasure chest with your reward inside of it. The reward is 1600 gold and a pirate cap.
- Leave the zone and the island and return to the Pirate Captain. He will reward you with 10800xp.

Peasant Courier (repeatable)
Can be done at level 4.
Can be done at level 4.
- Speak to the Peasant Woman who is in the zone west of the Aeven Captain to start this quest.
- Head to Farmer Jorge who is in the building in the zone to the east. Give him the bread.
- Return to the Peasant Woman for your reward of 180xp.
PeriPeri Quest (repeatable)
Can be done at level 7.
Can be done at level 7.
- You can pick this quest up to the mole farm, east of the goat farm. Talk to the Peri Peri Farmer who is in one of the buildings there.
- She requests that you go outside and kill 50 moles.
- Return to the Peri Peri Farmer for your 3100xp reward.
Pirate Quest
Can be done at level 6. Make sure you have plenty of pots for the pyramid stage of the quest.
Can be done at level 6. Make sure you have plenty of pots for the pyramid stage of the quest.
- Talk to the Old Pirate in the Aeven Docks, he wanders around large areas of the docks but can often be found on the southern shop, he wants beer!
- The quest will show you as needing to get him one Fairysoda, but once you have 1 the quest will update and you must get 20. You can get these from killing the Drunken Pirates from all around the docks.
- Take these beers back to the Old Pirate (be warned that he will take more than 20 if you hold more when you take them to him).
- He will drink the beer and sends you off to see the Pirate Captain who is on the most northern ship in the current zone.
- When you are at the Captain, make sure you answer his second question with the option of - 'I stole it from the King!', otherwise the quest is reset and you have to go back to the start.
- Once you have given him the map you are transported to a ship at sea.
- Go through the door and talk to the Captain again.
- Next you must kill 50 Imperial Sea Guards around the ship.
- Once done, return to the Pirate Captain.
- You will now be transported to Vulture Island, and you must find the first pyramid entrance. Don't worry, this step doesn't update the quest but the next step will.
- Once there, enter and follow these directions to get to Doctor Gerstanisk (Archaeologist) - ULDL(D)LUR.
- After talking to him you must head back to the start and follow these directions to get the book which you need to find - URRD(L)DRRUULLLL (at one of the 4 lefts at the end of the directions you may need to avoid a room of spikes by going down, left and up). You should end up in a big room which has the King Worm in, the book (which you must stand on) is at the far left side of the room in the bottom corner.
- Once you have this update, return to the Archaeologist. After giving him the book, you must show him the map which you received earlier on in the quest.
- Now head out to the room with the alter in, which you will have passed on the way to the book on the previous stage. Stand in the square that looks like it should have a spike trap in-front of the alter to get the update.
- Return to the Archaeologist.
- Now head out of this pyramid and enter the second one which is behind the first.
- Once inside this pyramid, head LUUD to get where you need to be. Open the treasure chest in this room and you will receive the Aztec Crown.
- Finally return the Crown to either the Archaeologist or the Pirate Captain. The Archaeologist will give a reward of ??? xp and the Pirate will give 18200xp and 2600 gold.
I took the Pirate reward, so the xp from the Archaeologist is currently unknown to me.
Pjedro's Son- You can pick this up from Pjedro in one of the buildings in Malone Outlet.
- Firstly you must go and talk to Pjedros' wife, this is Merriad who will be wandering around the Malone Outlet.
- Return to Pjedro.
- Travel to Anundo, once there the quest will update and you must then visit aunt Nena. She can be found if you the path from the entrance of Anundo to the market, where she will be wandering. Talk to her.
- You now need to help her find out what happened. To do this you must go to the swamp and speak to the guard nearby the rail tracks.
- He sends you off to visit the castle. The quest will next update as you head into the main arena section of the castle.
- Now you must speak to the Imperial Captain who is actually called the 'Elite Captain' and can be found around the front of the arena.
- You are now sent back to the swamp to speak to the guard once again.
- He sends you to the Haunted House, head to the 4th floor where you must find a stand with a book on and walk into it for the update.
- Now head to the witch house/shop in Aeven and talk to Ayla.
- She will teleport you to the woods of despair, take this route to the bird fortress - RDDRRRDL.
- Once there, find and talk to Pjedro's Son, you will now teleport back to his home.
- Talk to Pjedro to complete the quest, you will receive 10k xp for this.
- You can start this quest from Old Farmer Greg who is in the zone to the west of the zone with the starter ship in it.
- All he asks is that you collect 10 Rare Berries from the bush's very near by (these 'bush's' work like chests).
- Once you have 10 the quest will automatically complete and you will receive 100 gold and 340xp.
Rat Problems

Can be done at level 4.
- This quest is picked up from inside the building to the north of the zone with the starter ship in it by talking to Old Farmer Jorge.
- He asks you to kill the rat in the building, do this and then talk to him again.
- Next you must go into the basement part of the building and kill a fierce rat (your quest will currently say talk to the Farmer but this is not what you should do after having spoken to him once, the quest will update once you have killed one fierce rat in the basement).
- Now continue killing fierce rats until you have killed 20.
- Once done, return to Jorge who will reward you with 1710xp.

- You pick this quest up from Old Farmer Jerzy in the zone north of the zone with the starter ship in it.
- He asks you to kill 5 snakes.
- Do this and return to Jerzy, you will receive 170xp.
- This quest is picked up in Sky Wonder from Jessica who is in a building there.
- Firstly she sends you to talk to the wolfman leader, who can be found east of the Estaw Stronghold, and east of the birdmen. He is in the far northeast corner of the map.
- He sends you to collect 10 bird feathers, these drop from the birdmen just west on the same map.
- Once you have 10, take them to the wolfman leader.
- Now, return to Jessica.
- Next she wants you to kill 40 foxes, some spawn around the area outside the building that Jessica is in.
- Return to Jessica for the final time and receive the reward of 500xp.
- Speak to Steve who is at the exit to Aeven just outside of the Grocery shop.
- He requests that you get him 10 snake rattles. The closest snakes can be found around the wanderers re-spawn point.
- Once you have these, return to Steve for 900xp.

- Talk to Hactor who is wandering around Aeven center.
- He sends you to Babs, who can be found in the Aeven hairdressers, the building with a sand pit next to it in the southeast quarter of the zone. Once you have spoken to her you will complete the quest and receive 200xp.
The Maze - Be warned that this quest may take a while and remember that once you have entered the maze you must complete it before you can do other things.
- You get this quest from the Maze Master in the Castle.
- Maze guide - this link contains a guide that will take you through all of the maze. Thank you RED?NSV for this resource. However I did myself find it hard to follow at times but you just have to make sure that you are reading it right and you will make it through in the end.
- Talk again to the Maze Master to complete the quest.
- To obtain this quest talk to Serf who is down some steps in the middle of the new swamp which is accessed from Aeven Docks.
- First he wants you to kill 25 swamp monsters, head upstairs to the swamp and do so.
- Return to Serf.
- He sends you off to find his brother, Gullio, who is in the skeleton crypt.
- After talking to Gullio, head back to Serf.
- He sends you to get him 10 herbs, these can be bought at Aeven Grocers.
- Return the herbs to Serf.
- Next you are sent to get 10 mushrooms. Mushrooms drop from mushrooms which can be found on route to the Centaur Village.
- When you have 10, return to Serf.
- Now he'll send you to get him 14 blob slimes, these can be found just past Malone Outlet when leaving Aeven, kill these until you have all 14 slimes.
- Return to Serf.
- Head to the Witches house/shop in Aeven and talk to Ayla.
- She will send you off to find the book of Apozen. Firstly you must head to the illusion master who is found in the Stronghold. Stand in front of the book in his room for the update to the quest.
- Head back to Ayla.
- Now you must actually go to Apozens lair and find a book there. Once you have entered Hell this is the route to Apozen lair - LDLDRDRRRUL(bottom)LLL(top)R(top)R(top)R, then just follow the path until you enter the lair. The book is on the left of the room.
- After you have the update, return to Ayla.
- Next, bring her 5 Scroll of Ancients.
- Now, use your 1 remaining Scroll of Ancient. Head north into the next map and follow the path up to the 'junction', then go to the right and enter another map. Now head to the top right of this map and head between the 4 pillars into a new map.
- Talk to Ayla to perform the ritual.
- The map will go crazy and you will need to log out, close the game, open it again and log back in, and then head back to Serf in the swamp for your choice of rewards. You can either have 15.5k xp or have the Lens of Truth crafted for a knob staff and 10 orbs of light.
Endless Online Mmorpg
1 - Crow
2 - Rat
3 - Blob
4 - Mummy
5 - Fox
6 - Snake
7 - Goat
8 - Centaur
9 - Reaper
10 - Spider
11 - Barbarian
12 - Cactusaur
13 - Penguin
14 - Cyclops
15 - Shop Bob
16 - Bank Bob
17 - Skeleton
18 - Skeleton Warrior
19 - Skeleton Warlock
20 - Wingo
21 - Shop Bob
22 - Shop Bob
23 - Shop Bob
24 - Shop Bob
25 - Bartender
26 - Juweller
27 - Merchant
28 - Drunk
29 - Fred
30 - Shoe Maker
31 - Shoe Maker
32 - Babs Haircutter
33 - Shop Bob
34 - Shop Bob
35 - Lobster
36 - Witch
37 - Nomad
38 - Shoe Maker
39 - Shop Bob
40 - Shop Bob
41 - Weapon Smith
42 - Shop Bob
43 - Shop Bob
44 - Event Bob
45 - Remi
46 - Guild Bob
47 - Vyercil
48 - Undeath
49 - Ice Bob
50 - Ice Bob
51 - Chaos Spawn
52 - Hitaru
53 - Dan
54 - Jacob
55 - Paul
56 - Guard
57 - Royal Guard
58 - Elite Captain
59 - Blobsie
60 - Blobsie
61 - Blobsie
62 - Blobsie
63 - Blobsie
64 - Blobsie
65 - Blobsie
66 - Horse
67 - Unicorn
68 - Cyclops Guardian
69 - Birdman Worker
70 - Birdman Guard
71 - Birdman Captain
72 - Birdman Guard
73 - Inferno
74 - Wolfman
75 - Candy
76 - Hactor
77 - Bullfrog
78 - Bullfrog
79 - Bullfrog
80 - Stinger
81 - Bat
82 - Wurm
83 - Worm
84 - Ant Worker
85 - Ant Soldier
86 - Teawk
87 - Marble
88 - Batmaso
89 - Jesaurus
90 - Hedgehog
91 - Ice Giant
92 - Ice Crystal
93 - Gnome
94 - Gnome Rider
95 - Rock
96 - Stone Gollum
97 - Mushroom
98 - Taewcus
99 - Hula Guy
100 - Cyndi
101 - Snail
102 - Snail
103 - Geggime
104 - Ewak
105 - Azuroph
106 - Kyra
107 - Chris
108 - Babarian Captain
109 - Ariolus
110 - Rauchel
111 - Nanchu
112 - Xmas Shop
113 - Wraith
114 - Priest
115 - Law Bob
116 - Aeven Skill Master
117 - Orc
118 - Octopus
119 - Tentacle
120 - Anundo Leader
121 - Carnivo
122 - King
123 - King
124 - Anundo Skill Master
125 - Ninja Guard
126 - Anundo Merchant
127 - Drunken Pirate
128 - Drunken Pirate
129 - Hell Guardian
130 - Swamp Goblin
131 - Optica
132 - Bogo Man
133 - Butterfly
134 - Cursed Mask
135 - Imp
136 - Imp
137 - Angry Vine
138 - Headless Hunter
139 - Swamp Monster
140 - Twin Demon
141 - Dwarf Warrior
142 - Apozen
143 - Chest
144 - Padu
145 - Crane
146 - Cyto 053
147 - Sav 109
148 - Robo Tile
149 - Proto
150 - Aeven InnKeeper
151 - Princess
152 - Inventor
153 - Co Worker
154 - Adventurer
155 - Boatman
156 - Estaw InnKeeper
157 - Guild Master
158 - Bank Master
159 - Anundo InnKeeper
160 - Centaur InnKeeper
161 - Halowdale InnKeeper
162 - Bard
163 - Halowdale Smith
164 - Halowdale Grocery
165 - Gate Keeper
166 - Wise Man
167 - Pjedro
168 - Ayla
169 - Merriad
170 - Sheep
171 - Biter
172 - Blocto
173 - Puppter
174 - King Wurm
175 - Pirate Captain
176 - Old Pirate
177 - Pirate Captain
178 - Imperial Sea Guard
179 - Halowdale Smith
180 - Archeologist
181 - Tomb Mummy
182 - Gnoll
183 - Bone Spider
184 - Hell Flyer
185 - Wraith
186 - Wraith
187 - Wraith
188 - Nena
189 - Guard
190 - Pjedro's Son
191 - Shaman
192 - Jessica
193 - Wolf Leader
194 - War Bear
195 - Serf
196 - Guillo
197 - Maze Master
198 - Doll
199 - Gullio
200 - Hitaru
201 - Rock
202 - Earth Rock +1
203 - Earth Rock +60
204 - Shark
205 - Baby Turtle
206 - Christmas Doll
207 - Dark Magician
208 - Yeti
209 - Banshi
210 - Drone Flyer
211 - Merchant
212 - Butter
213 - Alex
214 - Flombie
215 - Gator
216 - Phoenix
217 - Bale
218 - Espring
219 - Ludwig
220 - Rotveig
221 - Susan
222 - Cacadem
223 - Flowy
224 - Nutviper
225 - Dragon
226 - Flyman
227 - Vitaman
228 - Onigiri
229 - Rabther
230 - Piglet
231 - Piglet
232 - Tenba
233 - Alex Borg
234 - Drummer
235 - Rock Star
236 - Rock Daddy
237 - Piano Panda
238 - Mini Army
239 - Artist
240 - Hamster
241 - Mole
242 - Fish
243 - Lizzy
244 - Ape
245 - Teawkasar
246 - Teawcusar
247 - Young Pirate
248 - Tarentuda
249 - Monkey
250 - Lost Pirate
251 - Peri Peri Farmer
252 - Pig Farmer
253 - Dragon Warrior
254 - Wraith Guardian
255 - Ancient Wraith
256 - Apozen's Taraduda
257 - Apozen Overlord
258 - Cave Researcher
259 - Collector
260 - Defender
261 - Funky Hair Dude
262 - Ben
263 - Eddy
264 - Danny
265 - Aeven Soldier
266 - Aeven Captain
267 - Aeven Soldier
268 - Mommy
269 - Old Farmer Jorge
270 - Fierce Rat
271 - Old Farmer Jerzy
272 - Peasant Woman
273 - Old Farmer Greg
274 - Corrupt Guard
275 - Aeven Border Guard
276 - Aeven Border Guard
277 - Aeven Patroller
278 - Aeven Patroller
279 - Babs
280 - Steve
281 - Limbo Sailor
282 - Centaur Guard
283 - Rescue Worker
284 - Rescue Leader
285 - Inspection Guard
286 - Lost Boy
287 - Baby Turtle
288 - Castle Hedgehod
289 - Royal Gardener
290 - Snake Hunter
291 - Ash
292 - Borum
293 - Life Guard
294 - Royal Explorer
295 - Stronghold Explorer
296 - Stronghold Sentry
297 - Dream Crystal
298 - Royal Guard
299 - Big Throat
300 - Prisoner
301 - Shady Stefano
302 - Eddie Matador