- These bingo cards cover all the interesting variations of bingo we can find online for free. There is holiday-themed bingo, baby shower bingo, birthday bingo, and even Minecraft-themed bingo, along with your regular bingo cards and others. See what you can get to spice up game night with family and friends! Free Blank Printable Bingo Card.
- Holidays Bingo Cards. Here you can find the printable bingo cards for 55 Bingo Cards we currently have available for lessons on holidays Bingo Cards. You may use them in your class, print them out, pass them around to fellow teachers, and link to this site. We add another activity every day, so if you don't see quite what you want, try coming.
Everyone loves playing Bingo. The thrill of the unknown…being able to scream loudly when Bingo actually happens…and don’t forget the fact that it’s a fun game that literally everyone in the family can play. Celebrate that the holiday season is finally here–print off this fun holidayphotobingo to play with the kids! It really is a simple and fun family game for all!
How to Play HolidayPhotoBingo
Printable Bingo Cards. Bingo Baker allows you to print as many bingo cards as you want! If you need 10 cards or 1,000 bingo cards, Bingo Baker is the only app that can handle it. And you don't have to worry about getting duplicate cards. Bingo Baker allows you to print 1, 2 or 4 cards per page.
Everyone knows how to play regular bingo, but photobingo can be done in a few different ways. Since there aren’t numbers actually picked for this type of Bingo, you have to be able to let your phone camera do the talking for you.

Once you get your HolidayBingo card printed, the easiest thing to do is let everyone run loose and take pictures of the items on their Bingo card. Of course, they have to be certain that they’re going to make it a legit Bingo to win!
Before even starting the game, understand what you’re going to count as a Bingo as well. This can be horizontal, vertical, pattern in an X, four corners, or all of the above! The first person to have proof in their pictures that they have the items needed wins!
Playing Bingo in Pairs
While most times Bingo is played individually, this would be a fun game to play in pairs. It’s also helpful because not everyone will have their own phone as well to take pictures.
This is a great way for siblings to help each other out and combine their efforts to take home the coveted holiday trophy! (okay, there isn’t really a trophy but you get what I mean…!)
If you’re looking for a super fun, family-friendly holiday game that the entire family can join in on the fun, don’t miss out on this HolidayPhotoBingo. It’s addictive and a fun way to work on family teamwork as well!
Play Virtually
This is a fun game that you can send to friends and family as another way to feel connected during this very weird Holiday season. You could meet up on a Zoom and share your pictures afterwards. Don’t forget the Christmas cookies!
Download Your Copy of Holiday Photo Bingo Here!
Download or create custom printable winter holiday bingo cards. The printable PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards.
Recommended: Check out more Custom DIY Bingo Cards in many new themes and styles and for different occassions.
60 Cards - $6.9590 Cards - $8.95120 Cards - $10.95
What you can edit
To make changes, click on the 'Customize' button. You can change:
- Title
- Words
- Grid size (e.g. 5x5 / 4x4 / 3x3)
- Theme
- Per page print option (single, two per page etc.)
- Text color including (title & words)
- Grid border style (boxed, lined or borderless)
- Grid border color and background
- Words alignment
- Option to include or remove free space
- Change free space text color
- Different options to fit words in grid (auto, same size, nowrap)
Related Bingos
Summer Bingo
Kick off your Summer with this cute Printable Summer Bingo Cards game. It is sure to be a hit among kids and grown ups. This bingo game is perfect to play during for kids Summer break, birthday party, your next road trip or just as a fun activity for kids.
Winter Wonderland BINGO
Kick off your Winter with this cute Printable Winter Wonderland Bingo game. It is sure to be a hit among kids and grown ups. It is perfect to play during for kids winter break, birthday party, your next road trip or just as a fun activity for kids.
Spring Bingo
Welcome Spring with this fun Printable Summer Bingo Cards game. It is sure to be a hit among kids and grown ups. This bingo game is perfect to play during for kids Spring break, birthday party, your next road trip or just as a fun activity for kids.
Fall Bingo
Celebrate Fall with this cute Printable Fall Bingo Cards game. It is sure to be a hit among kids and grown ups. This Fall themed bingo game is perfect for classroom setting, birthday party, road trips or just a fun activity for kids.
Printable Winter Holiday Bingo
Kick off your Winter Break with this cute Printable Winter Holiday Bingo Cards game. It is sure to be a hit among kids and grown ups. This bingo game is perfect to play during for kids winter break, birthday party, your next road trip or just as a fun activity for kids.

How to download Winter Holiday Bingo?
To download Printable Winter Holiday Bingo Cards, you can start with the FREE 20 bingo cards version. Click on '20 Cards - FREE' green button. Your bingo is ready to download on the next page. You can either click on 'Open PDF in Browser' blue button or 'Download PDF' green button. You should be able to save the printable bingo on your hard drive from there. This package will include 20 bingo cards and a calling sheet.
Make sure to print a sample page or two to see if everything looks good, including the numbers or text. You can print all the bingo cards if you are satisfied with the preview images.

Free Holiday Bingo Printable
If you have more than 20 players, you can divide them in smaller groups, or choose the paid options. This is to avoid getting multiple winners in one round.
How to customize?

You also have an option to customize Winter Holiday bingo cards and replace the text or numbers with your own. Once you are on the next page, you can click on 'Customize' light blue button. Following page will display different options for you to customize this bingo. You can change the 'Title' of Bingo on this page. In addition, in the 'Words List' column, you can switch the text or the numbers to the ones of your choice.
'What you can edit' section above lists all the options you can change to customize these Winter Holiday Bingo Cards.

How to play Winter Holiday Bingo?
To get started, print the bingo cards and the calling mat. We recommend heavy card stock paper for best results. Print option will allow you to print two cards per page on letter size paper. You can also choose to print one per page or four per page.
You will need:
- Printable Bingo Cards
- Paper Markers or Small Candy
- Distribute the bingo cards among the players.
- Cut out the calling sheet in small squares.
- Put them in a bag or hat.
- Start playing by having one person or the host pull out a small square card out of the bag or hat and call it out.
- Players look for that number on their bingo card. If they find the same number, they cover it with the small candy or mark it off with the paper marker.
- Continue pulling out the small squares from the bag or hat one at a time.
- Once someone cross off five in a row (or the number of squares), they shout out BINGO and win that game.
You don't need any special preparations to make these, and no mess to clean up after kids are done playing.
Kids and grown ups, everyone love playing with these fun and educational bingo cards.